Hi guys! So sorry I've been MIA on here.
1). The holidays were fantastic. A year ago my grandma passed away. We always had a big Christmas Eve dinner and presents at their house. The next day we would have a large dinner again and do stockings at their house. Needless to say this Christmas was full of new traditions this year, which was really fun. Christmas Eve morning we had Christmas at my sister's apartment with my dad and a great breakfast, which was fun. We went to the candle light service at church which was gorgeous as usual. Christmas Eve, we had a buffet of hour de vours (umm...spelling on that?). I made Swedish meatballs, salami pickle roll ups, and mini pizzas. We also had mini bbq hotdogs, amazing dips and crackers, cocktail shrimps, and a million other things I can't remember. Yum. Staying in lines with our Scandinavian traditions (my mom is 50% Norweigan and 50% Swedish. Us kids are about 75% Scandinavian when you factor in my dad's genes), we had potato Lefse (they kind of look like tortillas except they are made out of potatoes. My grandparents told me they are traditionally eaten with sugar and butter on them, but that could just be them) and Krumkaker (pronounced Kroom.kah.kah with the accent on the Kroom). These are Scandinavian cookie like things that look kind of like waffle cones. My mom's is the best for numerous reasons: she uses whipping cream in them, and doesn't use cardamom in them. We made up a batch before Christmas Eve
Step one with the batter on the Krumkaker Iron
Allow to cool
Christmas Day we had a traditional dinner. My sister and I pulled off making a standing, prime rib roast (best meat EVER) cooked enough to be safe but still really pink inside, green bean casserole, yorkshire pudding (my mom looked it up, wohoo!), green jello (jelly I suppose you call it) made with half water and half applesauce, more lefse, and a mound of mashed potatoes and gravy (mashed potatoes are my FAVORITE). After dinner my grandpa and I passed out for 3 hours in the living room with the fireplace on. We woke up and watched "A Christmas Story". British friends: if you have not seen this, watch it. Hilariousness.
My adorable Grandpa on Christmas Day
Dog trying to get food
Playing with his "Build your own Stonehenge..." He was a watchmaker for decades, so Stonehenge has always fascinated him.
New Years is interesting and you can ask me about that one...
2). I moved down to Iowa City this weekend. I only chilled with one roommate but he's fun. The apartment is coming together with the addition of a loveseat and some throws and some throw pillows around. We also have two fabulous recliners that are ridiculously comfortable. My room is a tornado (crazy...I know) because my dad has my bed, and until I get it I'm sleeping on a super comfy but GIGANTOR air mattress which takes up 3/4 of the bedroom so I can't organize. But the dad is coming with my bed this weekend and then I can start to play around with printing off things and hanging up stuff. Exciting!!!
3). While I was home, an old friend wanted to do a photoshoot to build up her photography portfolio. She is pretty awesome at what she does, and just got some new filters for her camera (which is AWESOME) so out we went. In a cocktail dress and heels. BRRRRR. It was 5 degrees farenheit that day. -15 C. Brrtown. But really fun. One of my best girlfriends was there as well, so it was a fun experience. She made me giggle.

I think that is all for now. This week is full of going back to work (I'll blog about that one later). They were awesome enough to make up a job for me, which is a huge project to be explained at a later date :) I am also finishing up papers for Swansea. I'm ready to start the new term and graduate in 5 months!!!
Miss all you British Pals. I'm looking into coming for the 2012 Olympics. But of course Rachel's wedding is first :)
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