Or this (would someone please tell me how my face got into that formation?):
Work is going great! I'll bring my camera tomorrow and take some pics of my new project at the library. Its a big task, but job insurance for me :) I am in the process of applying for an additional job at a local fitness center for a fitness assistant, which I would LOVE to do. We'll see.
Since I've been back I've been running and working out like a crazy woman in hopes of maybe, possibly, we'll see running a half marathon in October. We'll see how that one plays out.
Today was a rather interesting day. It started out with my water bottle leaking in my purse (this is a trend...however, it did not result in an explosion of my telephone this time...shocking for me!). Then I forgot my scarf which was SOOO chilly walking to the fieldhouse. Then to cap off the day of amazingness, I got to file a police report about a stalkerish situation. FAB. I've had problems with this person in the past, but never dreamed I would have to file a police report for them physically following me, and potentially inflicing physical harm upon me and my co-workers. Scary times. Good thing my roommate is 6'7". My dad wanted me to get a tazor gun. I think that is a poor life decision for me. I'd probably tazor myself accidentally. The minivan will protect me for now.
School is going well, good classes which is sweet. Psychology of Sport might kick my butt though. I am also taking a few communication classes, but mostly Health and Sports Studies ones, which is fun. I like most of the people and teachers in the courses, so it should be a fun semester. Race Ethnicity and Sport, 20th century sport, Sport to 1900, Rhetoric of Public Advocacy, and Gender, sex, and Media are my school schedule. Followed up by 20 hours of work (hopefully soon to be a bit more) a week and I am a busy girl!
Sorry this post isn't very depthful, next one will be about my sweet stuff I'm doing at work. Maybe I'll get motivated and put up some pictures around the apartment finally. Miss you all so much! I got my computer back, still not 100% fixed, but I have skype back. Email me your usernames, or facebook them to me if I don't have them already.