Hey all,
Sorry about the delay in blogging. I am goign to attempt to get on top of this one, as well as one Dani and I are starting to document our 20 something girl singledom lives. So updates with me you ask for?
1). Moved back to MN halfway through August. After not getting a paycheck for a while, I decided to get a job at a restaurant. It is hard business! It is a well known restaurant around here, and it gets crazy. I'm told its crazier on weekends, and I have yet to experience this! Well it will be an adventure. And really good motivation for me to find another job I suppose. Its only my second week so I'm really hoping it goes better.
2). Making new friends in MN, its on its way! I have two great new neighbors that moved in two doors down. They are fun to hang out with. I also am starting to view work as more social than anything. Hopefully I'll be able to make more friends, and understand the food waitressing better. I am also nannying on the side.
3). Routine. I have none :)Attempting to work out occasionally, doing the grocery whopping and keeping up with the grandpa! Got his house cleaned the way it used to be. That's nice!
As for now, I'm just looking for some grown up job stuff and nannying stuff so I can hopefully get a place of my own soon!!
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Oh Hai

Hi hi! Well I haven't updated in quite some time, so here I go!
Sian came to visit me, and, as anticipated, it was crazy fun. We were two busy girls. We went to the water park (apparently its too cold in the UK for outdoor water parks), the Mall of America 4 times, Sculpture Gardens, the different lakes complete with a Trolley Ride, Watching the Twins beat the White Sox (always fun), went to Northfield (Jesse James Gang Raid) baked Krumkake and cake, ate out tons, and had lots of girl time. It was a crazy fun week. After that I came back to good ole IC and found out I'm here until the 15th of August. Much more opportunity for friend time...and to try to find a job. Yeah about that job thing...I figure I have to move home for a while to put some money aside and can move to where I can get a job, IC area, chicago, the UK... :)
As far as life goes, not sure what I'm doin. I am attempting to take up new hobbies: painting, writing (I really am starting with a children's book so we all know I'm like an 8 year old anyway).
Monday, 6 July 2009
I don't think I could be in a better mood. Sian and her grandpa are coming in T-36 hours. AHHH!!!!! Her grandpa will then continue on to Boston, and Sian and I get to hang out all week in the big MN. I'll update with what we end up doing, and with fun pictures for the former flat 63 mates :) Tomorrow night is the drive home after work, then up to MN, then pick up the friend and her gpa! WOOOOOOO
Saturday, 20 June 2009
My so called life...
Hi :)
1). Sian comes to see me in about three weeks. I can't WAIT for the grounding of a good friend, and a touch of Britain to come see me in the MN. Her visiting me is one of the best gifts I could ever ask for.
2). The job hunt is...well...meh. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be doing in 6 weeks and its kinda scary. But liberating in a way. More so scary than anything... Although I am thinking of in a year grad school for a). Health Administration, b). Environmental Health c). Environmental Law. Not sure of any of them though. Tonight when I was visiting some family friends, Siri, the youngest, said, "I never know where you are. Its like you go one place and then go to another, and I just never know!" She is 10. And she made me realize that my dream of being a wanderer has kind of already come true (although I plan on wandering the rest of my life).
3). I've recently realized how much I want to be in Britain with my friends I met there. Although I know that if I went back, it just wouldn't be the same. And that makes me sad. I can't believe it was a year ago that I was preparing to move to another country where I knew no one. And I wasn't nervous at all about it. I would trade a ridiculous amount of (almost) anything to go back and relive it. All of it. And wouldn't change a thing. The people, the flats, the school, everything. I often describe my time abroad as "going to another country instead of class." Never did I think my time abroad would be on my mind every day, multiple times a day, six months after I got back.
4). It makes me sad to know that in six weeks, I will probably be thinking these same thoughts about Iowa City. The little liberal dot in Iowa. Yup. I lived in Iowa for four years. And I loved it. I drove my first tractor here, met the closest friends I will ever have, and managed to graduate with a double B.A. major in 8 semesters. Sweetness.
Driving that John Deer....
I did it just cuz I could...
I'm not sure how I feel about this transitioning time in my life. I definitely feel 15 still, not almost 23. But not. When you are 15, you think when you're 23 you'll have a job, potential husband or marriage, house, etc. However, if I had most of these at my age, I would not be a happy camper. The job would be helpful however :P I suppose if someone walked into my life right now who would like to wander with me, I would be ok with it. But for now, I am pretty content where I am at. The only thing is job search, I have NO idea what I want to do with my life. I think I had a better idea when I was 18 than I have now.
But for now my friends, I am going to bed. Doing some laundry, folding THEN bed. I want to know what's new in your lives, so give me a skype buzz (amy.ferguson4) or email or fb or something.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
New pictures!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Hi all!! Well, its been a couple weeks of adventure. I graduated from college! (pending I didn't fail one communication class that I'm ultra nervous about) but other than that, I am good to go! I walked Saturday, and then went out to a great dinner with my family...sushi, and lots of other good japanese food.
The second exciting thing I did in the past week was buy a MAC! My gateway was declared a junker by best buy, so I got credit for it and upgraded to the MacBook with the titanium body (I chose this one over plastic casing...pretty much b/c I'm the clumsiest person alive and fall on a regular basis, often with electronic devices in my hands. I am so excited about it, and I love it so far. I still am learning about it, as I'm sure I will be for a long time. So far I have played around with iphotos, which is fun. Its a pretty good editing program. I am pumped to learn more.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to lay around and learn new things about it. It will be a week of vanilla yogurt and pudding and Jello. Woo!
Monday, 11 May 2009
I'm almost a grown up!
Hi all! Sorry for the absence, like has, as usual, gotten crazy! Last weekend was pretty fun, as it was our senior weekend for the sorority. As usual, shennanigans were upon us all. Wayyyyyy fun weekend. This week is finals, and this weekend I graduate from University! Craziness! It seems like just yesterday when I moved all my stuff in the minivan and moved into Mayflower hall. This finals week shouldn't be too horrible, I have definitely had worse. Although one of my courses is really difficult and giving me a hard time, but who cares because as long as I pass it, I will never have to go back to it again! YIPPEEE!!! I can't really think of anything else to write about. I don't have a grown up job yet, we'll see if I get one right away or whats in store for me. I get to see the family this weekend which will be a blast. And two months until Sian comes to see me! I can't wait to see her! I have missed you all so much! Atlanta crew: send me the dates you are going to be there again. I will try to see if I can score a cheap flight. Well, back to my 15 page paper on the forces that shaped the African American sporting experience from 1890 to 1945. Fun times let me tell you!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Life's much better and the family is all on the mend :)...Except the cat. Maybe we'll get a new one though.
My sorority's formal was this weekend...way fun...here are a few pics! Miss all who are overseas loads! (Ashley we missed you lots:) )
Barrett and I thought this move was fly...

This is my baby diamond sister :)

Some of the seniors...and our hot burger king crowns. SHWING!

Me and Lindsey at the pink palace. <3 this house and the girls...

All of the seniors except Barnes, Zawada, Kristy and Ashley

It was a great night!
My sorority's formal was this weekend...way fun...here are a few pics! Miss all who are overseas loads! (Ashley we missed you lots:) )
Barrett and I thought this move was fly...
This is my baby diamond sister :)
Some of the seniors...and our hot burger king crowns. SHWING!
Me and Lindsey at the pink palace. <3 this house and the girls...
All of the seniors except Barnes, Zawada, Kristy and Ashley
It was a great night!
Monday, 6 April 2009
Well its true, when it rains it pours. Friday night Grandpa was in a car accident, and is still hospitalized for 4 broken ribs. Thank goodness he wasn't the cause of the accident, and is completely fine minus the rib situation.
Saturday mom broke her large bone in her Right arm. Could have been way worse considering osteoperosis is in the picture, but glad its wasn't.
Brother needs open heart surgery.
Dad had hand surgery today.
And the thing that made me saddest was my cat, who we've had since I was 5, died today. After we left the old house a few years ago, Maggie went a little bit crazy. However, she was still a good cuddle bug and would frequently curl up in a ball on my lap. She hated the dog until recently. She wasn't sick or anything, but probably had a heart attack. Stupid getting old. Hard to believe that a few weeks ago she stole an entire pork chop off my brother's plate, and ran away with it. She was only 5-6 pounds, so it must have been as large as her face.
Keep the Ferg family in your thoughts and prayers please...its been a long week.
Saturday mom broke her large bone in her Right arm. Could have been way worse considering osteoperosis is in the picture, but glad its wasn't.
Brother needs open heart surgery.
Dad had hand surgery today.
And the thing that made me saddest was my cat, who we've had since I was 5, died today. After we left the old house a few years ago, Maggie went a little bit crazy. However, she was still a good cuddle bug and would frequently curl up in a ball on my lap. She hated the dog until recently. She wasn't sick or anything, but probably had a heart attack. Stupid getting old. Hard to believe that a few weeks ago she stole an entire pork chop off my brother's plate, and ran away with it. She was only 5-6 pounds, so it must have been as large as her face.
Keep the Ferg family in your thoughts and prayers please...its been a long week.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Spppringggggggggg Break
Well, spring break was a blast. Last Saturday, one of my best guy friends Allen and I flew to San Diego, California to meet one of my best girl friends, Chantel. Over the course of a week, we moved Chantel out of her apartment, went up to Hollywood (a blast!!) went to three different beaches, and went to the San Diego Zoo, one of the best in the nation. The weather was perfect, except a bit chilly by the beach. Chantel has a pool outside of her patio in her apartment complex, so we got to spend a lot of time in the sunshine. AND I got to see my pal Nikki from Wales. BOMB! Brits, you should get out to the west coast if you get the chance. Pretty perfect! Here's some pics
The view from Chantel's Apartment

We made Allen into a Merman

Playing in the sand


St. Patty's day

Elephant!!! They were so cute and playful.

Koalas!! Look so cuddly....

Lemers? I think? Meekrats? I don't remember, but they were very focused.



I could be a polar bear...eat all day and lay on rocks. I could handle it.

And this is what a camel looks like.
....And his name was Creeper Seal.

Flashin the peace sign at the top of the rock at La Jolla Beach

Endangered birds...the only birds we liked. The rest were boring.

I wanted to hug him...
Chantel and me
Again, I wanted to snuggle.

Oh hi Mr. Tiger.

Umm, we matched. Precious.

Seal Colony at La Jolla

More endangered not boring birds.
The view from Chantel's Apartment
We made Allen into a Merman
Playing in the sand
St. Patty's day
Elephant!!! They were so cute and playful.
Koalas!! Look so cuddly....
Lemers? I think? Meekrats? I don't remember, but they were very focused.
I could be a polar bear...eat all day and lay on rocks. I could handle it.
And this is what a camel looks like.
Flashin the peace sign at the top of the rock at La Jolla Beach
Endangered birds...the only birds we liked. The rest were boring.
I wanted to hug him...
Oh hi Mr. Tiger.
Umm, we matched. Precious.
Seal Colony at La Jolla
More endangered not boring birds.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Proud Daughter
This young man has gone through thick and thin, enduring more physical battles than most of us will in a lifetime. The article doesn't do him justice regarding how much his body has been put through. Makes you want to celebrate being alive every day :)
This young man has gone through thick and thin, enduring more physical battles than most of us will in a lifetime. The article doesn't do him justice regarding how much his body has been put through. Makes you want to celebrate being alive every day :)
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Things which make me go Hmmm #1
So...one thing I have noticed over the past 4 months, is the increase of annoying Facebook statuses. I am not quite sure what the nostalgia is among displaying your emotions allowing your best friend (from 1st grade whom you haven't talked to since 2nd grade and for SURE wouldn't acknowledge on the street but are still facebook friends with them) too see your utmost inner feelings, or if your newborn has an innie or outtie.
Among the list of things which make me go, "Hmmm..."
So and So is "SOO excited because my daughter's umbilical cord fell off and she has an innie..."
"SOOO angry because baby daddy brought son home and he is soo tired and all I
wanted was for him to be well rested for tomorrow."
"Fed up with being ignored and taken for granted"
"SOOOOOOOOOOOOoo excited cuz the BF told me he LOVED me" (for realsies?)
**The now ever so common FML- meaning F* my life.**
Your life is so bad you have to say it in a facebook status? I just don't get it.
ANNNNNNND my ever so favorite republican statuses (dude, get over it already. McCain lost)
"i cant actually finish my soc109 reading b/c i am so enraged by its factual errors and pathetic assualt on democracy that i have actually become physically ill."
" is awaiting the corrination of our new king...er. wait i mean inaguration of a president?"
*note to self...always spell check your fb status...
"millions of americans are suffering under the economy and this auguration is going to be the most expensive of all time. 150 million. nice job dems. nice job."
*Note to self...auguration isn't a word...
*Another note to self: perhaps the INauguration was expensive because of security measures taken for angry republicans such as yourself?
Be happy peeps! Facebook just perpetuates wallowing. Lamesauce. Stop using it as a means of telling the world your emotions. That's what journals, art, and poetry are for...
Among the list of things which make me go, "Hmmm..."
So and So is "SOO excited because my daughter's umbilical cord fell off and she has an innie..."
"SOOO angry because baby daddy brought son home and he is soo tired and all I
wanted was for him to be well rested for tomorrow."
"Fed up with being ignored and taken for granted"
"SOOOOOOOOOOOOoo excited cuz the BF told me he LOVED me" (for realsies?)
**The now ever so common FML- meaning F* my life.**
Your life is so bad you have to say it in a facebook status? I just don't get it.
ANNNNNNND my ever so favorite republican statuses (dude, get over it already. McCain lost)
"i cant actually finish my soc109 reading b/c i am so enraged by its factual errors and pathetic assualt on democracy that i have actually become physically ill."
" is awaiting the corrination of our new king...er. wait i mean inaguration of a president?"
*note to self...always spell check your fb status...
"millions of americans are suffering under the economy and this auguration is going to be the most expensive of all time. 150 million. nice job dems. nice job."
*Note to self...auguration isn't a word...
*Another note to self: perhaps the INauguration was expensive because of security measures taken for angry republicans such as yourself?
Be happy peeps! Facebook just perpetuates wallowing. Lamesauce. Stop using it as a means of telling the world your emotions. That's what journals, art, and poetry are for...
Monday, 9 February 2009
Skype Usernames
Yo pals,
If you have a skype username will you be a doll and please send it to me? And your addresses? Thanks dears :)
If you have a skype username will you be a doll and please send it to me? And your addresses? Thanks dears :)
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Spring Break/Thankful/Miss you All
Yo peeps
Wohoo!! I booked my flight to see one of my oldest and dearest friends over Spring Break. SO PUMPED about it. My best guy friend in the world is going too, so that should be a blast. EEEP!! We're looking into skydiving, and for sure going to the Zoo there. Yay!! So lately, as I have been hearing about the crazy amounts of jobs being lost (Macy's just cut 7000 jobs...) and about the people in the economy who are severely suffering, I have felt an immense amount of gratitude for all of you close friends and for the blessings in my life I have been granted. Good friends, a roof over my head, a steady, flexible job, the gift of school (even though student loans are killin me...) food, and the ability to feed my appetite for adventure, and an abundance of other blessings all have made me thankful for everything. My heart hurts for the members of the small community affected by the DHL closeout in Ohio, and for the masses nationwide laid off by retail and small buisnesses. Hopefully our economy will get better with the exit of He Who Shall Not Be Named...
Finally, a giant WOHOO for all of the snow falling in the UK! I can just imagine how much fun it would be to sled anywhere in the village...(Sian...perhaps the hill I fell down numerous times...?). Rachel...your snowman was LOVELY. Kudos to you! Wish I was there hiding behind the flat and pelting you all with snowballs when you leave :) Nate put up a pic of flat 63 all snowy...I see the toilet paper rolls pasted onto the window have increased...
Miss you all SO much, and wish you were here
ps-Sooo, heads up peeps I'll probably be discontinuing this blog and making a private new one only a select few of you will know about because someone is really, really lurkin on this page (40 something times since the end of January...). If you are that person, please stop. This blog is for people who I can't be around while I am at school. Your IP address ends with 22, from the residence halls of the University of Iowa. I really don't want to have to change sites, as I have an established amount of friends out of state or overseas who have access to this site. I have a good idea of who ya are, so knock it off.
Wohoo!! I booked my flight to see one of my oldest and dearest friends over Spring Break. SO PUMPED about it. My best guy friend in the world is going too, so that should be a blast. EEEP!! We're looking into skydiving, and for sure going to the Zoo there. Yay!! So lately, as I have been hearing about the crazy amounts of jobs being lost (Macy's just cut 7000 jobs...) and about the people in the economy who are severely suffering, I have felt an immense amount of gratitude for all of you close friends and for the blessings in my life I have been granted. Good friends, a roof over my head, a steady, flexible job, the gift of school (even though student loans are killin me...) food, and the ability to feed my appetite for adventure, and an abundance of other blessings all have made me thankful for everything. My heart hurts for the members of the small community affected by the DHL closeout in Ohio, and for the masses nationwide laid off by retail and small buisnesses. Hopefully our economy will get better with the exit of He Who Shall Not Be Named...
Finally, a giant WOHOO for all of the snow falling in the UK! I can just imagine how much fun it would be to sled anywhere in the village...(Sian...perhaps the hill I fell down numerous times...?). Rachel...your snowman was LOVELY. Kudos to you! Wish I was there hiding behind the flat and pelting you all with snowballs when you leave :) Nate put up a pic of flat 63 all snowy...I see the toilet paper rolls pasted onto the window have increased...
Miss you all SO much, and wish you were here
ps-Sooo, heads up peeps I'll probably be discontinuing this blog and making a private new one only a select few of you will know about because someone is really, really lurkin on this page (40 something times since the end of January...). If you are that person, please stop. This blog is for people who I can't be around while I am at school. Your IP address ends with 22, from the residence halls of the University of Iowa. I really don't want to have to change sites, as I have an established amount of friends out of state or overseas who have access to this site. I have a good idea of who ya are, so knock it off.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Tazor city?
Hmm, well my British friends, it has been an interesting few weeks here in the good old Iowa City. Adjusting to living with boys is going well, although sometimes results in this:

Or this (would someone please tell me how my face got into that formation?):
But for real, I am really lucky to live with good people. Definitely a good living situation, and MUCH better than random girls would have been. I'm sure living with a girl isn't an easy transition, seeing as I hate espn. But I've almost started liking Pardon the Interruption on ESPN...boys, arn't you proud? And they are extremely clean for guys (flat 63...they do not leave food chunks in the sink...infact I am the foodchunk leaver now. Ooops).
Work is going great! I'll bring my camera tomorrow and take some pics of my new project at the library. Its a big task, but job insurance for me :) I am in the process of applying for an additional job at a local fitness center for a fitness assistant, which I would LOVE to do. We'll see.
Since I've been back I've been running and working out like a crazy woman in hopes of maybe, possibly, we'll see running a half marathon in October. We'll see how that one plays out.
Today was a rather interesting day. It started out with my water bottle leaking in my purse (this is a trend...however, it did not result in an explosion of my telephone this time...shocking for me!). Then I forgot my scarf which was SOOO chilly walking to the fieldhouse. Then to cap off the day of amazingness, I got to file a police report about a stalkerish situation. FAB. I've had problems with this person in the past, but never dreamed I would have to file a police report for them physically following me, and potentially inflicing physical harm upon me and my co-workers. Scary times. Good thing my roommate is 6'7". My dad wanted me to get a tazor gun. I think that is a poor life decision for me. I'd probably tazor myself accidentally. The minivan will protect me for now.
School is going well, good classes which is sweet. Psychology of Sport might kick my butt though. I am also taking a few communication classes, but mostly Health and Sports Studies ones, which is fun. I like most of the people and teachers in the courses, so it should be a fun semester. Race Ethnicity and Sport, 20th century sport, Sport to 1900, Rhetoric of Public Advocacy, and Gender, sex, and Media are my school schedule. Followed up by 20 hours of work (hopefully soon to be a bit more) a week and I am a busy girl!
Sorry this post isn't very depthful, next one will be about my sweet stuff I'm doing at work. Maybe I'll get motivated and put up some pictures around the apartment finally. Miss you all so much! I got my computer back, still not 100% fixed, but I have skype back. Email me your usernames, or facebook them to me if I don't have them already.
Or this (would someone please tell me how my face got into that formation?):
Work is going great! I'll bring my camera tomorrow and take some pics of my new project at the library. Its a big task, but job insurance for me :) I am in the process of applying for an additional job at a local fitness center for a fitness assistant, which I would LOVE to do. We'll see.
Since I've been back I've been running and working out like a crazy woman in hopes of maybe, possibly, we'll see running a half marathon in October. We'll see how that one plays out.
Today was a rather interesting day. It started out with my water bottle leaking in my purse (this is a trend...however, it did not result in an explosion of my telephone this time...shocking for me!). Then I forgot my scarf which was SOOO chilly walking to the fieldhouse. Then to cap off the day of amazingness, I got to file a police report about a stalkerish situation. FAB. I've had problems with this person in the past, but never dreamed I would have to file a police report for them physically following me, and potentially inflicing physical harm upon me and my co-workers. Scary times. Good thing my roommate is 6'7". My dad wanted me to get a tazor gun. I think that is a poor life decision for me. I'd probably tazor myself accidentally. The minivan will protect me for now.
School is going well, good classes which is sweet. Psychology of Sport might kick my butt though. I am also taking a few communication classes, but mostly Health and Sports Studies ones, which is fun. I like most of the people and teachers in the courses, so it should be a fun semester. Race Ethnicity and Sport, 20th century sport, Sport to 1900, Rhetoric of Public Advocacy, and Gender, sex, and Media are my school schedule. Followed up by 20 hours of work (hopefully soon to be a bit more) a week and I am a busy girl!
Sorry this post isn't very depthful, next one will be about my sweet stuff I'm doing at work. Maybe I'll get motivated and put up some pictures around the apartment finally. Miss you all so much! I got my computer back, still not 100% fixed, but I have skype back. Email me your usernames, or facebook them to me if I don't have them already.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
It is 1235 am, and I just turned in my last essay. Shabouya. I am sad that my swansea time is now officially over though :( Good luck to all you with finals this week and next week! I will be thinking good thoughts your way. PS- Pals, could you FB me your email addresses? Thanks a ton dears. Miss you all! Plow through your finals so you can go have fun again. <3<3<3
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Spring Break Plans
Hopefully, if all goes as plans, the 16-20th of March, my best guy friend Allen and I are going to San Diego, CA to see Chantel (one of my best girlfriends). Plans are in the making for skydiving, parasailing, and maybe driving down to Mexico. I already am itching for an adventure :)
Christmas, New Years, Photoshoot for friend, and Moving
Christmas Tree and Dog

Hi guys! So sorry I've been MIA on here.
1). The holidays were fantastic. A year ago my grandma passed away. We always had a big Christmas Eve dinner and presents at their house. The next day we would have a large dinner again and do stockings at their house. Needless to say this Christmas was full of new traditions this year, which was really fun. Christmas Eve morning we had Christmas at my sister's apartment with my dad and a great breakfast, which was fun. We went to the candle light service at church which was gorgeous as usual. Christmas Eve, we had a buffet of hour de vours (umm...spelling on that?). I made Swedish meatballs, salami pickle roll ups, and mini pizzas. We also had mini bbq hotdogs, amazing dips and crackers, cocktail shrimps, and a million other things I can't remember. Yum. Staying in lines with our Scandinavian traditions (my mom is 50% Norweigan and 50% Swedish. Us kids are about 75% Scandinavian when you factor in my dad's genes), we had potato Lefse (they kind of look like tortillas except they are made out of potatoes. My grandparents told me they are traditionally eaten with sugar and butter on them, but that could just be them) and Krumkaker (pronounced Kroom.kah.kah with the accent on the Kroom). These are Scandinavian cookie like things that look kind of like waffle cones. My mom's is the best for numerous reasons: she uses whipping cream in them, and doesn't use cardamom in them. We made up a batch before Christmas Eve

Step one with the batter on the Krumkaker Iron

Allow to cool

Christmas Day we had a traditional dinner. My sister and I pulled off making a standing, prime rib roast (best meat EVER) cooked enough to be safe but still really pink inside, green bean casserole, yorkshire pudding (my mom looked it up, wohoo!), green jello (jelly I suppose you call it) made with half water and half applesauce, more lefse, and a mound of mashed potatoes and gravy (mashed potatoes are my FAVORITE). After dinner my grandpa and I passed out for 3 hours in the living room with the fireplace on. We woke up and watched "A Christmas Story". British friends: if you have not seen this, watch it. Hilariousness.
My adorable Grandpa on Christmas Day

Dog trying to get food

Playing with his "Build your own Stonehenge..." He was a watchmaker for decades, so Stonehenge has always fascinated him.
New Years is interesting and you can ask me about that one...
2). I moved down to Iowa City this weekend. I only chilled with one roommate but he's fun. The apartment is coming together with the addition of a loveseat and some throws and some throw pillows around. We also have two fabulous recliners that are ridiculously comfortable. My room is a tornado (crazy...I know) because my dad has my bed, and until I get it I'm sleeping on a super comfy but GIGANTOR air mattress which takes up 3/4 of the bedroom so I can't organize. But the dad is coming with my bed this weekend and then I can start to play around with printing off things and hanging up stuff. Exciting!!!
3). While I was home, an old friend wanted to do a photoshoot to build up her photography portfolio. She is pretty awesome at what she does, and just got some new filters for her camera (which is AWESOME) so out we went. In a cocktail dress and heels. BRRRRR. It was 5 degrees farenheit that day. -15 C. Brrtown. But really fun. One of my best girlfriends was there as well, so it was a fun experience. She made me giggle.

I think that is all for now. This week is full of going back to work (I'll blog about that one later). They were awesome enough to make up a job for me, which is a huge project to be explained at a later date :) I am also finishing up papers for Swansea. I'm ready to start the new term and graduate in 5 months!!!
Miss all you British Pals. I'm looking into coming for the 2012 Olympics. But of course Rachel's wedding is first :)
Hi guys! So sorry I've been MIA on here.
1). The holidays were fantastic. A year ago my grandma passed away. We always had a big Christmas Eve dinner and presents at their house. The next day we would have a large dinner again and do stockings at their house. Needless to say this Christmas was full of new traditions this year, which was really fun. Christmas Eve morning we had Christmas at my sister's apartment with my dad and a great breakfast, which was fun. We went to the candle light service at church which was gorgeous as usual. Christmas Eve, we had a buffet of hour de vours (umm...spelling on that?). I made Swedish meatballs, salami pickle roll ups, and mini pizzas. We also had mini bbq hotdogs, amazing dips and crackers, cocktail shrimps, and a million other things I can't remember. Yum. Staying in lines with our Scandinavian traditions (my mom is 50% Norweigan and 50% Swedish. Us kids are about 75% Scandinavian when you factor in my dad's genes), we had potato Lefse (they kind of look like tortillas except they are made out of potatoes. My grandparents told me they are traditionally eaten with sugar and butter on them, but that could just be them) and Krumkaker (pronounced Kroom.kah.kah with the accent on the Kroom). These are Scandinavian cookie like things that look kind of like waffle cones. My mom's is the best for numerous reasons: she uses whipping cream in them, and doesn't use cardamom in them. We made up a batch before Christmas Eve
Step one with the batter on the Krumkaker Iron
Allow to cool
Christmas Day we had a traditional dinner. My sister and I pulled off making a standing, prime rib roast (best meat EVER) cooked enough to be safe but still really pink inside, green bean casserole, yorkshire pudding (my mom looked it up, wohoo!), green jello (jelly I suppose you call it) made with half water and half applesauce, more lefse, and a mound of mashed potatoes and gravy (mashed potatoes are my FAVORITE). After dinner my grandpa and I passed out for 3 hours in the living room with the fireplace on. We woke up and watched "A Christmas Story". British friends: if you have not seen this, watch it. Hilariousness.
My adorable Grandpa on Christmas Day
Dog trying to get food
Playing with his "Build your own Stonehenge..." He was a watchmaker for decades, so Stonehenge has always fascinated him.
New Years is interesting and you can ask me about that one...
2). I moved down to Iowa City this weekend. I only chilled with one roommate but he's fun. The apartment is coming together with the addition of a loveseat and some throws and some throw pillows around. We also have two fabulous recliners that are ridiculously comfortable. My room is a tornado (crazy...I know) because my dad has my bed, and until I get it I'm sleeping on a super comfy but GIGANTOR air mattress which takes up 3/4 of the bedroom so I can't organize. But the dad is coming with my bed this weekend and then I can start to play around with printing off things and hanging up stuff. Exciting!!!
3). While I was home, an old friend wanted to do a photoshoot to build up her photography portfolio. She is pretty awesome at what she does, and just got some new filters for her camera (which is AWESOME) so out we went. In a cocktail dress and heels. BRRRRR. It was 5 degrees farenheit that day. -15 C. Brrtown. But really fun. One of my best girlfriends was there as well, so it was a fun experience. She made me giggle.

I think that is all for now. This week is full of going back to work (I'll blog about that one later). They were awesome enough to make up a job for me, which is a huge project to be explained at a later date :) I am also finishing up papers for Swansea. I'm ready to start the new term and graduate in 5 months!!!
Miss all you British Pals. I'm looking into coming for the 2012 Olympics. But of course Rachel's wedding is first :)
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- Not All Who Wander are Lost
- Minnesota, United States
- I'm a single, 20 something Fitness Professional who recently joined the internet dating world. Read on for my awkward encounters, fitness tips, and healthy lifestyle encouragement.