Well, after 26 hours of straight traveling, I am home. Bittersweet. I will not lie, chilling with my dog and family (and seeing my 20 pairs of high heels...) has been fabulous, but I already miss some buds from Swansea. Despite the sad goodbyes, I am able to look back and appreciate the opportunities that were placed in my hands while I was there. The last week was full of going out, good food, good wine, good company, numerous girly sleepovers where we didn't sleep, doing no homework, and fitting my life into 3 suitcases. Oh the adventures. I came home and it is now WinterWonderland. MN, along with the East coast, has been hit with lots of snow which I LOVE! But the subzero temps (today it was -4 when I woke up with a -27 windchill....British friends that was -22 C and -33 windchill). Not even the golden retriever wants to go outside. It is fabulous weather for beef stew, endless cups of tea and wrapping Christmas presents by the fire. British friends: you no longer have to post me PG Tips. My mom (who wins mom of the year for this) went to the grocery store and found it. BOUYA. Love to you all and miss you :) Here are pics.
Ospreys game vs some Italian team. Ospreys won 68-8!

My lovely roommates for Snowball

Dancing it up...

Bus stop...so chilly

Me and my bud Mike

The neighbor flat...We became really close

Angharad...and Justin being entertaining

Me and Mike again

Fun at Gower...Nikki Frolicking


Melissa in her element

Me and Rach before the holiday dinner

Me and Sian

Drunk Christmas Caroling in our flat

Gracie singing her heart out

This is just one of many dance parties me and Angharad had. People walking by were amused I'm sure

Being supermodels?


Gower again

Singing at Play

I got pretty close to this group of girls on the trip
1 comment:
Miss u too dog!
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