It astounds me how aware British citizens are of American politics. Most everyone I have met over here is pro-Obama. I have only spoken to two Brits who support McCain, and sadly enough, they only support him because he is white. I Baracked the vote this week. Most Americans studying here are planning on staying up all night to watch the election. Sweet! So back to the week...
Tuesday night was spent staying up until 6:30 am on Wednesday morning catching up. Wednesday was a fantastic Halloween night out. Thursday, Ash and I just hung around town. It must have been a monumentous day because I don't remember anything we did on Thursday.
Friday was just a fantastic day in general. We walked from campus to Mumbles. It was chilly and windy, but there was a blue sky, which completely makes up for the lack of warmth. We played on the pier (yup, we of course went down the dinosaur slide), ate a great lunch, went to the castle, and just had fun girl catch up time. Friday night we went out for Halloween. Fun times!
Today we just bummed around the city and around the flat. We ordered Chinese.
Typical Amy story: The Chinese delivery guy was banging on the door. I, in a typical Amy fashion, got extremely excited at the prospect of food (shocking!) and sprinted out my room door to welcome the delivery man. Mid-flight I caught my baby toe in the door. It hurt, but food outweighed pain. Enter kitchen: I look down and see my baby toe pointing at an almost 90 degree angle away from my body. Pretty sure I broke it.
Yes, my toes look gross. This is after the toe got pushed back a little. In my roommate's words, "It looks like a fat sausage..."
I've always been amazed at people who say they haven't broken anything before. This is coming from the mouth of the girl who has accomplished all of the following:
Age 1.5: Scene: Shoots and Ladders, a huge jungle gym complex with a 3 story tall metal slide. My dad takes me down on wax paper. It resulted in him doing a flip off the end and me breaking his rib. I was not hurt, but I like to think of this as the start of my injuries.
Age 3: "Dad, rememer when I was little and used to do flips off of the couch like this?" Flip. Scream. Broken elbow.
Age 8: I was a chubby child, resulting in my lack of excellence in gymnastics (the lack of excellence in gymnastics continues). When practicing cartwheels in the front yard I land wrong and roll my wrist. I remember my mom saying it wasn't broken, but I also remember it being pretty sore for a long time.
Age 12: When hanging off the end off of my then best friend's bed, the bed fell on my face. Broken nose, broken ego.
Age 12: Rollerbladed down my elementary school's loading dock on a new pair of rollerblades. Resulted in a cellulite looking like scar on my left thigh. Sometimes I blame the rest of the cellulite on rollerblading too......
Age 13: When swing dancing with the same friend, I did a flip over her back. The flip was great, the landing was rocky. Leave it to me to miss all of the pillows we had so carefully placed to ensure our safety. Strained neck muscles/tendons pulled. Neck brace for 4 weeks.
Age 15: Rollerblading injury #2. Result: 8 in abrasion on left leg, 4 inch abrasion on right leg. Scars visible still.
Age 19: Rollerblading injury #3. Result: 4 inch deep cuts/abrasions on both knees, jarred wrists. Scars still huge. This was the week before sorority recruitment at Iowa, where you wear dresses/skirts all week. I'm sure we were "The house with the girl with the bandaged knees...."
Lifelong: I fall. All the time. Anyone who knows me will tell you that gravity and I are best pals. I always have bruises from bumping into things. It is strange to me however, because I am not a very daring person physically. I enjoy the same workouts. I don't like jumping off of things. I am a very cautious person. Ironic.
In case you were wondering, the Chinese food was totally worth the pain. Yum.
Ashley left tonight, which made me sad. But, I just booked a plane ticket to Greece the last weekend in November. I can't wait to see her! We also are going to meet in Paris in a few weeks. This week is Barcelona! Hopefully during our dead week, I can get up to Edinborough (SP?) Four countries in one month....crazy.
Ashley has most of the Mumbles pictures on her camera, but here are some of Halloween.
Whoa Nelly, I am soooo ready to lead this country. You Betcha Joe Six-Pack!
I would like to clarify that Ashley is not really pregnant....
Look! There's Russia!
Hello: My name is Hockey Mom
A McCain/Palin pin
An American Flag
I also carried a shot gun with case I saw an mooses I wanted to kill.
Bristol's pins read:
Obama/Biden '08
I wouldn't be pregnant if my mom was pro-choice
Hello, my name is Bristol
And a pin with a picture of Palin and her daughter which reads, "Sorry Honey, Mommy's a little busy right now taking away your rights as a woman."
Well all, time to put some frozen peas on my foot and call it a night.
1 comment:
you are flippin hilarious. i love reading your blog! your life is so much more exciting than mine... i just wrote the dates of your trips on my calendar. so the weekend you're in paris, we're going to nashville!! woohoo! i'm keeping my blog up everyday this month, with you in mind - so you can keep updated w/family stuff! love you sissy!
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