As much as I love it here, I must admit there are things at home I am longing for.
Now the benefits of here certainly make up for most things that I miss, but here are the irreplacables.

Diet Mountain dew. I am a dew addict during finals....they should just tap it into my veins...but it is illegal here (along with Lucky Charms) b/c of too much caffeine and sugar. lame




My Best Bud and cuddle pal

Barnes and Noble- a weekly event for me

BLUE SKY!!! and sun

I'm sure having a blast here, but every now and then something reminds me of home. I wouldn't exactly describe it as homesickness, but rather its small things, challenges. This experience of being flexible, living not knowing where I am going next weekend is an amazing feeling. Not being Type A, living a rigid and timed out schedule has allowed me to grow, and become more flexible. Well it is late here, and I am ready for bed. Goodnight all :)
1 comment:
i wov you sissy. and i miss you. you're one of my irreplaceables. the day you get home, we'll grab a diet dew at barnes & noble, hit target, have dinner with the fam, and go tanning (cause there won't be any real sun for it). can't wait til you're back!
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