Sweet Bridge to a building I have no idea about
Looked like a fun place
There are street signs like this everywhere. So neat!
Jane Austen looked creepy...
I felt right at home!
Aaaaaaaaannnnnd the church is a restaraunt...
Beautiful window with a dining table and chair.
Look, God pulled out the chair for you to sit down!
Organ (Mom and Peggy this pic is for you!)
I just thought this angel was beautiful!
Dining place again
St. Michael's Church from outside
The Royal Crescent
Another fun sign!
The Circus- Basically it was three sections of the same types of houses as the Royal Crescent positioned around a Round About, so it was hard to get a good picture of it. I got a neat postcard with an ariel view of it!
Royal Crescent
The Circus
The Royal Crescent
This was the Sacred Spring I believe. The Romans believed it held special powers because it bubbles (to this day!) and was very warm. It bubbles because it is over a hotspring, but they obviously didn't know that. Curses and different things were thrown into this spring.
This was at one point underneath a floor in the furnace room, or the "Sweat Room". The heat from the furnace would travel and be trapped in the pillars, making the floor so hot one had to wear sandals when walking.
This is an ancient sacrifice altar. Goats were one of the animals sacrificed. I don't remember which goddess it was to.
Recovered Fresco
I don't know who this was, but it was in perfect condition. Amazing!
Recovered tombs
This is taken from the 2nd floor of the unit, which looks down into the pool above.
You can see the Abbey through the Bath structure
Ancient mosaic recovered. It is on the floor, the picture just flipped
Preserved Bronze Statue of a Goddess. Not sure which one (Ashley, help me out?)
The original steps into the Altar
The outside
Inside the Roman Bath lobby
Taken from the 2nd floor again
I am on the 2nd floor of the Roman Baths unit, the Abbey is behind me
Bath Abbey
The ceiling is like this the whole way, except for the blue diamonds. Those are only over the Altar
Not sure why the picture flipped upon loading....but it shows the top of the building before it rises to the bell tower which rings every 15 or 30 minutes.
Where the organ is (Again, for Peggy and Mom...)
This only gives a glimpse at how tiny you feel in this place. It is like being in a dollhouse church!
The altar...on the screen is the picture of the organ keys. 3 Tiers!
Window above the altar
They put flowers on the lamps outside!
The windows on the bottom left are from the Roman Baths
Hi all!
It has been a really busy couple of days! On Wednesday, we went to Bath in England. Gorgeous place! The main attraction there is the ancient Roman Baths which were thought to contain healing powers among other things. It is amazing how preserved the baths are. The place was built around what remained of the bathing complex. Many men conducted business while in the baths, and showed their prestige and power by using fragrant oils. There was an automated tour which you listened to on a huge cellphone like thing. After I saw the Roman baths, I saw the inside of Bath Abbey. Unlike Tintern Abbey, this Abbey is fully functional and running. It was ruined in 1539 by Henry VIII. Three different churches have stood on this site. In 1999 it had its 500th anniversary. It currently costs over 2,000 Pounds per day to run the Abbey. Crazy! I was fortunate enough to walk in and see a sign that said, "Organ Recital: 1:10 pm." Fantastic! I only stayed for the first piece, Prelude and Fugue in B minor, by Bach. Fantastic! The organ was outstanding! After I heard some organ music, I went wandering around some more. I found a church, St. Michael's, and it was a fully functioning church on Sundays, and a restaraunt during the week! So funny! I found the Jane Austen Center (she was from Bath), the Royal Cresent (which is a group of 81 extremely expensive homes) built by John Wood the elder, and the Circus, built by John Wood II. These homes housed very important people high in prestige such as William Pitt (former MP for Bath) Dr. Livingstone, and Thomas Gainsborough. You can go to http://beehive.thisisbath.com for more info on Bath. Here are massive amounts of pictures!!
Hi Amy -
I wanted to check in and say "hi"!! Your photos are beautiful - what lovely places you are in...How are you doing? How's school?
We continue to be very busy which is good. We're getting quite a few candle orders and just starting to ship next week.
We miss you and your exhuberance terribly! You were such a delight here at Lightstone!! Nicole's friend, Becky, just started last week. She's great and is catching on quickly.
Keep in touch, Amy girl! When you're back over the holidays - we'd love to see you! Continue shooting those incredible pics - what a great way to share your trip!
Much love,
Shouldn't you be studying or something?? Seriously....
Oh, and take some pictures while you're over there would you... I can't tell what you're doing if you don't take any pictures...
We miss you at the office and hope your schooling & travels are agreeing with you.
Take care.... Bryce
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