I already practice a lot of self constraint to not want steak and hamburgers every day. I don't need my man (you know...if I were to have one...) to smell like a slab of meat too...
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Hi friends
Hi all,
So this blog is now transforming into one for my pals across seas that I miss terribly (of course you all can read it too...) cuz they wanted me to keep it going for them to read. So people here, if you read this you probably will get bored. Or know way too much about my life. You have been warned. So Brits, here are a couple of things about being back in the states:
1). Target. You will never know the true appreciation of this packrat's mecca. It is entirely possible to live in that store. Imagine Tesco plus Primark plus Wilkinson's plus Mountainlife. Together. Going for one thing is entirely impossible.
2). So remember how I was excited for Mountain Dew? I came home and tried it and it tastes like Battery Acid (you know, if anyone was to try battery acid)...
3). SNOW!!! I love snow. The best is when you have a couple feet, and its not freezing cold outside. The dog now has to kind of worm her way through the snow or bound through it because there is so much of it. Its a freaking Winter Wonderland out there. There are plans formulating for innertubing. Funtown. The coldness has gotten better, its between freezing and zero now (Farenheit) so thats a heck of a lot better than the -17 I woke up to the other day.
4). I do like being home, although its temporary. Roomates: being able to go outside my bedroom in my underwear ROCKS. Thought I'd let you know :)
5). Driving. So, I drive a minivan. Better than nothing. At least its a pimp minivan with a bomb stereo. Talk about lookin like a MILF...
6). I saw one of my best friends two nights ago. I miss her!! Plans formulating to go to San Diego for a visit Spring Break. Shabouya.
7). Last Saturday, my sister and I went to the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker performance. I love Tchaikovsky. The music from "The Nutcracker" and Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" are two of my favorite musical compilations. I haven't seen "The Nutcracker" since I was four, and my mom told me I wanted to dance along. Apparently I stood up in my seat and started dancing along. This doesn't suprise me.
8). Sunday my dad called me and told me he got tickets to "Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey." Yup, Disney on Ice. Now, I LOVE all that cultured stuff, Tchaikovsky, museums, art, etc. But being around four year olds is totally my element. My dad and I have been going to Disney Ice shows since I was 3 and its just kind of turned into a "once every couple years tradition." Immature, childish and silly? Totally.
Well, our house has turned into Grand Central (Paddington?) station. In addition to the last minute craziness before Christmas, Sister and Brother in Law's small apartment flooded (a week before Chrsitmas...talk about sucky). Sister has surgery today as well, so they're hunkering down here for a while, which is fun. Yesterday I had to go to the doc and now have a sinus infection, inflamed ear drums, and increased asthma symptoms. Happy happy joy joy. But I got antibiotics. WOHOO!!!!!!!!! So I suppose today our house is an infermery. It will be full of movies and eating mushy food im sure :)
Well, I'm off to walk the dog in the snow. She's sprawled out on the floor right now dreaming, woofing and yelping in her sleep, and moving her paws. Precoius.
Love and Miss you all! Thinking about coming out to London for the 2012 Olympics...
So this blog is now transforming into one for my pals across seas that I miss terribly (of course you all can read it too...) cuz they wanted me to keep it going for them to read. So people here, if you read this you probably will get bored. Or know way too much about my life. You have been warned. So Brits, here are a couple of things about being back in the states:
1). Target. You will never know the true appreciation of this packrat's mecca. It is entirely possible to live in that store. Imagine Tesco plus Primark plus Wilkinson's plus Mountainlife. Together. Going for one thing is entirely impossible.
2). So remember how I was excited for Mountain Dew? I came home and tried it and it tastes like Battery Acid (you know, if anyone was to try battery acid)...
3). SNOW!!! I love snow. The best is when you have a couple feet, and its not freezing cold outside. The dog now has to kind of worm her way through the snow or bound through it because there is so much of it. Its a freaking Winter Wonderland out there. There are plans formulating for innertubing. Funtown. The coldness has gotten better, its between freezing and zero now (Farenheit) so thats a heck of a lot better than the -17 I woke up to the other day.
4). I do like being home, although its temporary. Roomates: being able to go outside my bedroom in my underwear ROCKS. Thought I'd let you know :)
5). Driving. So, I drive a minivan. Better than nothing. At least its a pimp minivan with a bomb stereo. Talk about lookin like a MILF...
6). I saw one of my best friends two nights ago. I miss her!! Plans formulating to go to San Diego for a visit Spring Break. Shabouya.
7). Last Saturday, my sister and I went to the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker performance. I love Tchaikovsky. The music from "The Nutcracker" and Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" are two of my favorite musical compilations. I haven't seen "The Nutcracker" since I was four, and my mom told me I wanted to dance along. Apparently I stood up in my seat and started dancing along. This doesn't suprise me.
8). Sunday my dad called me and told me he got tickets to "Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey." Yup, Disney on Ice. Now, I LOVE all that cultured stuff, Tchaikovsky, museums, art, etc. But being around four year olds is totally my element. My dad and I have been going to Disney Ice shows since I was 3 and its just kind of turned into a "once every couple years tradition." Immature, childish and silly? Totally.
Well, our house has turned into Grand Central (Paddington?) station. In addition to the last minute craziness before Christmas, Sister and Brother in Law's small apartment flooded (a week before Chrsitmas...talk about sucky). Sister has surgery today as well, so they're hunkering down here for a while, which is fun. Yesterday I had to go to the doc and now have a sinus infection, inflamed ear drums, and increased asthma symptoms. Happy happy joy joy. But I got antibiotics. WOHOO!!!!!!!!! So I suppose today our house is an infermery. It will be full of movies and eating mushy food im sure :)
Well, I'm off to walk the dog in the snow. She's sprawled out on the floor right now dreaming, woofing and yelping in her sleep, and moving her paws. Precoius.
Love and Miss you all! Thinking about coming out to London for the 2012 Olympics...
Monday, 15 December 2008
The Last Week
Well, after 26 hours of straight traveling, I am home. Bittersweet. I will not lie, chilling with my dog and family (and seeing my 20 pairs of high heels...) has been fabulous, but I already miss some buds from Swansea. Despite the sad goodbyes, I am able to look back and appreciate the opportunities that were placed in my hands while I was there. The last week was full of going out, good food, good wine, good company, numerous girly sleepovers where we didn't sleep, doing no homework, and fitting my life into 3 suitcases. Oh the adventures. I came home and it is now WinterWonderland. MN, along with the East coast, has been hit with lots of snow which I LOVE! But the subzero temps (today it was -4 when I woke up with a -27 windchill....British friends that was -22 C and -33 windchill). Not even the golden retriever wants to go outside. It is fabulous weather for beef stew, endless cups of tea and wrapping Christmas presents by the fire. British friends: you no longer have to post me PG Tips. My mom (who wins mom of the year for this) went to the grocery store and found it. BOUYA. Love to you all and miss you :) Here are pics.
Ospreys game vs some Italian team. Ospreys won 68-8!

My lovely roommates for Snowball

Dancing it up...
Bus stop...so chilly
Me and my bud Mike

The neighbor flat...We became really close
Angharad...and Justin being entertaining
Me and Mike again

Fun at Gower...Nikki Frolicking


Melissa in her element
Me and Rach before the holiday dinner

Me and Sian
Drunk Christmas Caroling in our flat

Gracie singing her heart out
This is just one of many dance parties me and Angharad had. People walking by were amused I'm sure
Being supermodels?

Gower again

Singing at Play

I got pretty close to this group of girls on the trip
Ospreys game vs some Italian team. Ospreys won 68-8!
My lovely roommates for Snowball
Dancing it up...
The neighbor flat...We became really close

Angharad...and Justin being entertaining
Fun at Gower...Nikki Frolicking
Melissa in her element
Me and Sian

Drunk Christmas Caroling in our flat
Gracie singing her heart out
This is just one of many dance parties me and Angharad had. People walking by were amused I'm sure

Singing at Play

Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Leavin' on a Jet Plane
Well, as I was sitting on the BOB (bright orange bus...) this morning, Leaving on a Jetplane came onto my ipod. Crap. Two days and I will have to leave some people that I have gotten really close to, travel for 26 hours (oh fun) and come home at 6am my time (midnight MN time). Blech. I have grown to LOVE traveling, but not accross giant oceans. Long flights=ew. BUT luckily someone cancelled a window seat on the plane, so I scored big on that one. On the flip end, I have some amazing things to come back to: family, dog, grandpa, good friends, fun roommates. Cons: I graduate in 6 months. Crap. I have to be an adult? What?
Monday, 8 December 2008
London Adventure!
Two posts in a day! Whoa! Thursday night, me and Melissa went home to Essex/Southend with a friend of mine named Sian. We stayed with her family Thursday night and went into London on Friday. It was a whirlwind tour of the city, but so fun! I am so glad we went! We started out with the Tower of London and saw all the Crown Jewels, the towers where people were tortured, and the prisons where they were held. We then headed to Parliament, Big Ben, and the London Eye. We were so lucky to have gone on a weekday, as we didn't have to wait in line for anything. We walked right onto the London Eye, which was fun! Not as high up as the Eiffel Tower was, but still fun. I then got to go to Westminster Abby, which was incredible! Sir Isaac Newton, Darwin, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are all buried there, as well as many Kings and Queens such as Mary Queen of Scots. Awesomeness. Then we hopped on the Underground, and went to Buckingham Palace, and then found Abbey Road where I proceeded to stop traffic 7 times to get a decent picture walking across the darned crosswalk. This is no easy task at 3pm, as Abbey Road is quite busy and there is no place to stand. I finally got an ok one, after getting honked and laughed at numerous times by locals. We then went to Harrod's which was fun to see! Of course I had to buy some things there! Then we went to the underground Kingscross station to see the Harry Potter thing, and I got UBER excited to see the bridge they stood on with Hagrid and to push the cart into platform 9 3/4. We then went to meet Sian's brother and went to see the show Avenue Q. Oh how I love politically incorrect things. This was hilarious! I highly recommend you see it. We then got on the train back to Sian's house, where her mom had prepared us a proper English roast (YUM) and crashed. We got up the next day, and her mom had prepared us a proper English breakfast (could we be any luckier?!) Fried bread, bacon (its more like ham here instead of strips) toast, black pudding, and fried eggs. We went back to Swansea and then went to the Ospreys Rugby game where Ospreys (basically the Wales rugby team) dominated an Italian team, 68-8. Fun stuff! Here are pictures!
Me and an Ave. Q character

Me and an Ave. Q character
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Hi all, Well I got back from Athens a week ago today. It was a very cultural trip, with many adventures! The city is pretty large, so there was lots to do! One day we went to a huge mall and did some Christmas shopping which was fun, and the rest of the trip was filled with site seeing. Here are pics!
Stadium from the 1896 Olympics

Stadium from the 1896 Olympics
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