Hi all!! Well, its been a couple weeks of adventure. I graduated from college! (pending I didn't fail one communication class that I'm ultra nervous about) but other than that, I am good to go! I walked Saturday, and then went out to a great dinner with my family...sushi, and lots of other good japanese food.
The second exciting thing I did in the past week was buy a MAC! My gateway was declared a junker by best buy, so I got credit for it and upgraded to the MacBook with the titanium body (I chose this one over plastic casing...pretty much b/c I'm the clumsiest person alive and fall on a regular basis, often with electronic devices in my hands. I am so excited about it, and I love it so far. I still am learning about it, as I'm sure I will be for a long time. So far I have played around with iphotos, which is fun. Its a pretty good editing program. I am pumped to learn more.
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to lay around and learn new things about it. It will be a week of vanilla yogurt and pudding and Jello. Woo!